Women & Girls Football
Find out about local opportunities to play, coach, referee and volunteer in football. Within Greater Manchester we have over 250 teams offering women's & girls football.
Whether you're a beginner trying football for the first time, want to play at a high level or maybe you're getting back into the game, we can signpost you towards the right opportunity.
Women's & Girls Leagues:
South Manchester Girls Football League (Saturdays)
North Manchester Women's Football League (Saturdays)
Greater Manchester Women's Football League (Saturday U18, Sunday OA)
Manchester Women's Flexi League (Recreational)
Become a recreational provider:
Apply here: FA Events Platform
Club and League Support:
Manchester FA work with leagues, clubs and providers to engage female participants at every level of the game. To find out more on increasing female participation, click below.
To speak to somebody at Manchester FA, contact:
Leigh Gell
Football Development Officer
(Women's & Girls')
Nicole Flynn
Women's Recreational Officer
0161 225 1966