Corporate Governance - It's fundamental to our current and future success
Our Corporate Governance continues to evolve. We have always prided our governance to be ‘fit for purpose’ and we now strive to be ‘fit for the future’. Our Board of Directors are the key and ultimate decision makers and have been since April 2017, when we removed our Council and introduced a clearer governance structure and accountability. We currently have three strategic groups that report directly into the Board. These are Regulations Strategy Group, Safeguarding Strategy Group and Inclusion Advisory Board.
Reporting to our Executive Team (The CEO, COO, Football Development Manager and Football Services Manager) is ‘Our Game in Manchester’ OGIM. Within OGIM, we have working groups that support our strategic delivery. Each working group has an Independent Chair appointed with members recruited from our key networks and stakeholders and most importantly grassroots, adding diversity within our broader team.
You can read more about the Manchester FA Governance & Leadership Strategy 2021-24 below: